“Building A Village”




You know how the old saying goes… “It takes a village to raise a child”.  However, what do you do when your village is broken? 

We are so far gone from the days where we marched together for a common goal (unless someone is racially murdered) .  The sense of unity then was unbreakable.  I feel we have been corrupted with this “every man for himself” mentality.  It should not and does not have to be this way!  We need to find ways to trust each other again as a community.  I feel that we must go back to a common goal that we all believe in order to rebuild our foundation. 

For instance, in the election of 2012, the urban communities of Cuyahoga County came out in record breaking numbers to support our vote for Barack Obama.  Our vote alone in little Northeast Ohio sent Obama to the white house.  That fact alone lets me know that as long as it sparks an interest we are going to support in the masses. 

So the issue with violence and poverty needs to be just as intriguing to get us to wake up and fight for a common goal to educate our youth.  Furthermore, with this way of thinking we are providing support for those single parents struggling to raise their child/children. The more educated they are the less reluctant the youth will be to throw their lives away to violence and settling for less are my thoughts. Weigh in on your thoughts.

Always LOVE- Fresh Avenew


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