
It’s You!

Sometimes when I am cruising thru Facebook, I am amused at some of the things that people say. Quite often, I notice a trend when it comes to people and the things that they go thru in life that they choose to share on Facebook. The trend is that people choose not to accept responsibility for their own actions. Instead of them realizing that THEY are the reason why certain things don’t go well sometimes in their life, they rather say things such as:

  • I know that the Lord is just putting me thru a test.
  • The devil is busy.
  • The devil is attacking me because God is getting ready to bless me.

      Now don’t get me wrong; I strongly believe that God sends us all thru a test quite often. There are many instances when God will test your faith by allowing you to go thru things. But let’s get real; not EVERYTHING that you go thru is about your faith being tested. Sometimes, a person may be going thru things and always find themselves in the midst of drama because of their OWN wrong doing. So for those of you that think that you are always going thru a test of faith, I have compiled a “YOUR FAULT” list, meaning that it’s a list of things that has absolutely NOTHING to do with your faith being tested or that the “devil is busy.” Instead, it has everything to do with the fact that you may be irresponsible.

So here are a few scenarios:

  • You’ve been trying for years to lose fifty pounds that you claim is just “baby fat.” However, you continue to eat the wrong things and not exercise. So not only are you gaining extra weight but now you have high blood pressure. It’s not a test of faith; it’s YOUR FAULT.
  • You are late for work every day and have been given one warning after another about your tardiness. To add insult to injury, you spend your time at work gossiping, surfing the web, and talking on the work phone to your baby daddy. So when it’s time for promotions to be handed out, not only do you not receive one but the company decides to terminate you. It’s not a test of faith; it’s YOUR FAULT.
  • All of your life, you haven’t done anything except chase women. While several of your friends have made wonderful lives for themselves, you’ve spent most of your youthful years smoking a massive amount of weed and sleeping around. So now you have eight kids by eight women and you’re up to your forehead in debt because of all of the child support that you are forced to pay. You’re angry at everyone except yourself for the choices that YOU made. It’s not a test of faith; it’s YOUR fault.

      Please know that I am not writing this blog to judge anyone about what they’ve done or not done in their lives. Besides, I’m not perfect by NO stretch of the imagination. I’m simply pointing out that we all must learn to accept responsibility for our own actions. Once we choose to do that, we will then realize that we could’ve avoided many pitfalls that we’ve experienced in life. But maybe I’m wrong. America, what do you think?


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